Saturday, January 8, 2011

Things Get Complicated

My sister has come out to help Miriam and me until the 12th, which is a very good thing. My ribs are still hurting, but things have gotten more complicated. My doctor called to tell me that my foot wasn't broken and I once again mentioned (for the millionth time) that I still can't move my toes. Well, now they are thinking that I tore a tendon and have to stay off it completely until my appointment on Tuesday.

This has raised two huge concerns for me. One, have I damaged my foot even more by trying to limp on it for the past week and a half, because everyone kept telling me my foot was fine? And two, has anyone with right sided cp been told to stay off their good foot and it actually work?

I have become a complete invalid, trying to come up with new and inventive ways to get around the house. Mindy has been a great help, but when she goes back home, what will I do? How will I get around? How will I take care of Miriam? What if I need surgery? All these thoughts keep rushing through my head and I'm just scared. I know everything will work out, but this has been no fun.

Brendan has been fantastic through all of this as usual, if I ever doubt I married a saint, all that has to happen is some trial and he steps up and I understand why I fell in love with him.

Again, the musings of a medicated, and now slightly stressed mind.  But on the upside, I have been able to devote my time to being the mamarazzi I've always wanted to be! Enjoy some Miriam pictures!

The Kenny Family

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