Friday, February 4, 2011

Scary Moments

Sorry I have been MIA for awhile, but between Miriam and my injury I have had zero time, for anything, especially free blog time! A lot has happened in the last month. Miriam has become an active little girl. She can now roll over completely, and proceeds to roll clear across the living room. And for those of you who have seen our apartment, it's tiny, so rolling can be dangerous! Because of my disability and my injury on top of it, I can't chase her all over the living room, so we bought a play yard. Gasp! I know, I'm caging my child in and not letting her run free, but hey, I'm okay with that. It's actually a pretty big space (takes up half of our living room) and Miriam can roll to her hearts content without me having to worry about being by her side every second.

So the title of this post, "Scary Moments" well we had one yesterday. Brendan had left for work and I was getting Miss Miriam's bottle ready and I went in to pick her up, and her lips were blue. You have never seen me move faster then I did in that moment. Let me tell you right now, Miriam is okay. She was breathing and jabbering away at me, but those lips were blue. The doctor came up empty handed, no idea. Her oxygen levels were normal and they listened to her heart. So we are at a loss as well. Since she has been born she has always had a problem with reflux (It was getting better, but this last month has come back in high gear) She is still gaining weight, she is 15 1/2lbs due to the 200 calorie bottles we feed her every 2-3 hours. But without that, she would be one skinny girl. Also, her hands and feet turn blue for no reason, always have. So maybe it's a circulation problem, but next doctor's visit I will see if we can get an EKG of her heart, to make sure she is okay. If anyone has any other theories, I would love to hear them.

I thought I would never sleep, wanting to check on her every few minutes. She had one scared momma. So I went online and researched baby monitors. And although we have only used this one for 24 hours, I'm sold. Totally worth the money. It's an Angelcare Deluxe Movement and Sound Monitor. You put this senor pad underneath her mattress and it detects the slightest movement. The only false alarms you get is when she rolls to the corner of the crib (the 2 sensor pads would take care of this, but being only sold online I could not wait on delivery) So we got the 1 sensor pad and I love it. If she stops breathing or moving, it gives a warning beep after 10 seconds and the alarm blares after 20 seconds. I test to make sure it's working every time I get her up from the crib, and sure enough 20 seconds after I pick her up, the alarm goes off. Thank God for Angelcare monitors.

Since this is all still fresh, even though I can see on the monitor that she is fine, I still check on her every ten minutes. The life of being a mom.

So on a lighter note, she is talking up a storm, although "Dada" at different volumes and pitches is all she says, "momma" should be here soon. And STILL no teeth!!! If Miriam is teething for much longer I'm afraid she will be off to school before that first tooth appears. Any ideas to sooth a baby besides Tylenol, teethers, mesh feeders and distracting her? Running out of ideas!

I think that does it for now. One day I will be running down the halls with her (if my foot ever heals.) Wait, when have I ever ran, ever? Okay, maybe walk around the block a few dozen times.

Enjoy some Miriam pictures and have a blessed day!

The Kenny Family