Monday, January 17, 2011

All About Miriam!!!!!

So Brendan and I talked and we have agreed to no longer post controversial stuff. We will keep things as light and happy as possible. So moving on...Enjoy this post of everything Miriam!

What can we say about our little girl!? Miriam will be 7 months on the 19th and we couldn't be happier. She has soared from the 10th percentile for weight and height all the way to the 25th percentile!!!! And by soared I mean it, she literally became a chunk overnight!  We are thrilled to have a baby with rolls!! They are so fun to zobble (for those unfamiliar with the term it's the Midwestern term for consuming all those wonderful rolls babies posses!)

Miriam seemed to wake up on December 24th. She was active and alert before this point, but on that day she just became more alive to the world around her and to us. Miriam has quite a little personality and she will let you know if she is unhappy or if you have not given her enough attention. Lol. We are practicing her "inside squeal" but I have a feeling the concept is lost on her.

She has also said (and continues to say) her first word, "Dada." It is so fun to hear, we are still working on "momma' and "butter burger" (for all those Culver's fans). She is a little jabber and loves to talk to the white noise machine instead of taking a nap.

She has been sleeping through the night in her car seat since 6 weeks and last night we successfully put her to bed in her crib and she slept the entire night!!!! I was terrified, waking up every hour to make sure she was breathing, but Miriam did amazing! We are so proud of her.

We have almost completely weaned. I'm only pumping once every 2 or 3 days, so we are happy to be on to the next stage. Miriam loves peppermint candy canes, and any baby food in the fruit category. When feeding her green beans she acts like we are poisoning her and starts to gag. It will be easier I am sure.

And to my amazement (and slight horror) she will be a mover and groover in no time. Miriam has perfected moving across the entire living room on her back by moving those little feet of hers. She loves baby sit ups, bouncing and playing in her jumperoo, eating her toes, and standing with mommy and daddy's help. I can just imagine since I'm still injured trying to run after her with my fractured ribs and bum foot. This will be a hoot! Lol.

I think that is all I have for now! Please enjoy the Miriam pictures I have attached. Oh, and the one with the pink pants on her head... that is what happens when you ask Auntie Mindy to change a diaper! Enjoy and have an amazing day!

The Kenny Family

Sunday, January 16, 2011

IVF Controversy

*Disclaimer: The subject of this post can hit a lot of hot buttons for many people. So if you are not into that please don't read this particular post. Brendan wanted me to remind everyone that we promised to write about everything on our minds, but not everyone will like it or agree with it, so please read with caution and we love you all regardless of your opinions on this issue.*

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, on to a subject that has been bothering me. IVF. It seems like everyone is doing it these days, from celebrities to the next door neighbors. If you can't conceive just do IVF. They have even made movies making IVF this amazing way to have a baby. Well, as a practicing Catholic it is neither moral or licit and I'm kind of fed up.

What prompted this blog post you may ask? Why the Internet of course! Since getting married I've been a part of many online forums about babies and breastfeeding and trying to conceive. There is always the forum trolls and the sancti-mommies (as Brendan calls them) and I usually choose to ignore ignorant, silly posters. But today I could no longer be silent when one of the threads was asking if there were any Christians doing IVF. Most of the responses were from protestants or those calling themselves Christian but not really caring if the church they attended was okay with IVF. I was fine with that, not happy, but I could deal. What I got me upset was the Catholic posters who either didn't care, said a priest told them it was okay and those who clearly misrepresented what the Church teaches. So I responded. I had to. Hopefully I shed some light for the original poster, and maybe I got a few people to think. Only God knows. I'm including my response below. The Catholic Church is not anti-baby, in fact it is so pro-baby that it teaches a baby should only be conceived in a loving marriage that is open to life.

With no further ado, here is my forum post from today:

I had to respond to this thread to clarify the Catholic Churches teachings on IVF and reproductive technology. I'm not posting this to get anyone angry or upset, but I feel that the Catholic Church is being misrepresented and being called old fashion and her people uneducated.

The Catholic Church opposes separating the unitive and procreative aspects of intercourse. Lets take the analogy of food. Food is both pleasurable and needed for survival. So what of a person who eats and eats and eats, then throws up so that they can eat some more?  We would say that person is misusing food. So too, people who use contraception, misuse intercourse in the same way. They separate out the procreative part of intercourse in order to just have the unitive the “pleasurable” part.

So why am I talking about contraception? Because under Catholic Church teaching, IVF is just the flip side of that same coin. IVF/ART, even IUI’s are taking the procreative part of sex and having that be the end all be all, without the unitive part.

So yes, destroying “extra” embryos is of course wrong, but the Catholic Church is opposed to IVF/ART, etc because it destroys marital unity, which requires BOTH the unitive and procreative aspects to be valid.

Anyone, (even Catholic priests) who say IVF/ART/IUI’s are morally licit under Catholic Church teachings are WRONG. They might be well intentioned, but the Catholic Church has held firm on this issue and will continue to do so.

Am I saying that the Catholic Church condemns children conceived using IVF etc? Of course not. Just the means by which they were conceived. Just as in the case of rape. The means by which the child was conceived was immoral, but the child themselves are innocent.

So as a practicing Catholic what can you do? Well, just as instead of using contraceptives you use FAM/NFP and abstain during fertile times (if you don’t want to conceive). For the making babies part you can do any drug therapy regimen, shots, hormone therapies, etc, just as long as the procreative and unitive aspects stay intact.

And to add my two cents:
And what happens when you have exhausted all the morally licit ways to try to conceive and still have no baby and really want one? ADOPT!!!!!! For goodness sakes! With all this talk about IVF and the money that it takes and struggle people go through, you could use all of that and put it into adoption and give some child (or 7) a very loving and happy home.

Sorry to have written a novel. But I needed you to hear the Catholic Churches position on the subject. And as for me personally, we had to use fertility drugs (clomid) to get pregnant. I desire to have a large family, but if we cannot conceive anymore children, we will adopt (we will probably adopt regardless because we want our football team!) Good luck on your decision, and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

I guess I have become quite a controversial mommy! Lol. Our family loves being Catholic and wouldn't trade it for the world. Have a very blessed Sunday one and all.

The Kenny Family

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wine and Babies :)

No, this post is not about THAT. I know what you were thinking. I was inspired by a friends blog to update when I can. And I do have a minute. So here I go.

I'm sitting here drinking a glass of red wine and listening to Miriam vocalize in her car seat before falling fast asleep. Why the car seat you ask? Because it works. We swaddle her up, buckle her in, and she falls fast asleep for anywhere between 8-12 hours. It works like a charm and why fix what isn't broke. What will we do when she gets too big? We will cross that bridge my friends, but since she is not growing at alarming rates of speed, I'm not too concerned. Plus sleeping upright is supposed to help with colds and between that and teething, little miss Miriam is a snotty, drooling mess!

I have come to realize that I'm a little bit of a wine snob. Not that I know the names, prices, or any of the wine lingo. It's just that I really like a good red wine. I can't be that snobby since I just figured out the decanting thing a month ago! That being said, I have yet to really enjoy many whites or even blush wines. I really like reds. For my birthday my sister gave me wines of the month and I was hooked. I have found I enjoy a good cab and chianti but am put off by anything too heavy such as merlot and claret.

If we ever settle in the Midwest, I will miss California wine. I'm sure we can always find a way to get a good bottle now and then.

So where was I going with this? Nowhere in particular. But before I forget, I should update and say my ribs are healing (as long as Miriam doesn't kick them) and I have a walking boot on my left leg, still can't move the toes or put pressure on the foot but the boot allows me to hobble around and take care of Miriam.

I think that is all for tonight.

The Kenny Family

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Things Get Complicated

My sister has come out to help Miriam and me until the 12th, which is a very good thing. My ribs are still hurting, but things have gotten more complicated. My doctor called to tell me that my foot wasn't broken and I once again mentioned (for the millionth time) that I still can't move my toes. Well, now they are thinking that I tore a tendon and have to stay off it completely until my appointment on Tuesday.

This has raised two huge concerns for me. One, have I damaged my foot even more by trying to limp on it for the past week and a half, because everyone kept telling me my foot was fine? And two, has anyone with right sided cp been told to stay off their good foot and it actually work?

I have become a complete invalid, trying to come up with new and inventive ways to get around the house. Mindy has been a great help, but when she goes back home, what will I do? How will I get around? How will I take care of Miriam? What if I need surgery? All these thoughts keep rushing through my head and I'm just scared. I know everything will work out, but this has been no fun.

Brendan has been fantastic through all of this as usual, if I ever doubt I married a saint, all that has to happen is some trial and he steps up and I understand why I fell in love with him.

Again, the musings of a medicated, and now slightly stressed mind.  But on the upside, I have been able to devote my time to being the mamarazzi I've always wanted to be! Enjoy some Miriam pictures!

The Kenny Family

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Thoughts

So I sit here wondering what to write about. I've been reflecting on the past year and even given my current situation, I wouldn't change a thing! I have a beautiful little girl and a wonderful, loving, and caring husband. My joker has been broken since the accident, so every time Brendan kids with me, I end up in tears, but hopefully that will change soon. Pain and pain medication makes me too sensitive! I also hate how pain medication affects my appetite, I'm just NOT hungry and nothing tastes or sounds good. But I have to eat, or I'm sure all the drugs will make wonderful little holes in my tummy.

Miriam is growing like a champ, and she gets cooler by the day. Everyone kept telling me that 6 months is a fun age and I tend to agree. She has such a personality and by the way she is moving I have a feeling she will be crawling before I'm all healed.

Not being able to walk or move is not new to me, but realizing it again-with a baby to take care of-is kind of hard to shallow. So what are we doing to get by? Brendan has been working from home since I got hurt, then he will do half days until my sister comes next week. My hope and prayer is that I will be functioning by the time she leaves on the 13th. Anybody in the praying mood reading this...please say some extra prayers for me.

It's kind of funny not getting up and going to Mass this morning, but we goofed and last night instead of attending the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, we ended up at the Vigil Mass for the Epiphany, I blame false advertising in the bulletin.

Let's talk about weaning. Fine for Miriam, totally sucks for me. Even though the doctor said I could breast feed on this medicine, I can't have her squirming against my broken ribs, way too painful. So I've been pumping and Brendan has been feeding her bottles. Which was fine until I tried to reduced my pumping sessions. I'm back up to 3 times a day. How do moms do it? It is VERY painful and when full, it pushes against my broken ribs! Ouch! I guess until I have a better way, I will try reducing the time and I will eventually stop producing milk. Right? RIGHT?

This post is very disjointed, my next dose was just kicking in as I started writing. Welcome to the inner mind of a medicated brain.

That's all I got! Brendan says hi and wants to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Until next time.

The Kenny Family