Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Thoughts

So I sit here wondering what to write about. I've been reflecting on the past year and even given my current situation, I wouldn't change a thing! I have a beautiful little girl and a wonderful, loving, and caring husband. My joker has been broken since the accident, so every time Brendan kids with me, I end up in tears, but hopefully that will change soon. Pain and pain medication makes me too sensitive! I also hate how pain medication affects my appetite, I'm just NOT hungry and nothing tastes or sounds good. But I have to eat, or I'm sure all the drugs will make wonderful little holes in my tummy.

Miriam is growing like a champ, and she gets cooler by the day. Everyone kept telling me that 6 months is a fun age and I tend to agree. She has such a personality and by the way she is moving I have a feeling she will be crawling before I'm all healed.

Not being able to walk or move is not new to me, but realizing it again-with a baby to take care of-is kind of hard to shallow. So what are we doing to get by? Brendan has been working from home since I got hurt, then he will do half days until my sister comes next week. My hope and prayer is that I will be functioning by the time she leaves on the 13th. Anybody in the praying mood reading this...please say some extra prayers for me.

It's kind of funny not getting up and going to Mass this morning, but we goofed and last night instead of attending the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, we ended up at the Vigil Mass for the Epiphany, I blame false advertising in the bulletin.

Let's talk about weaning. Fine for Miriam, totally sucks for me. Even though the doctor said I could breast feed on this medicine, I can't have her squirming against my broken ribs, way too painful. So I've been pumping and Brendan has been feeding her bottles. Which was fine until I tried to reduced my pumping sessions. I'm back up to 3 times a day. How do moms do it? It is VERY painful and when full, it pushes against my broken ribs! Ouch! I guess until I have a better way, I will try reducing the time and I will eventually stop producing milk. Right? RIGHT?

This post is very disjointed, my next dose was just kicking in as I started writing. Welcome to the inner mind of a medicated brain.

That's all I got! Brendan says hi and wants to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Until next time.

The Kenny Family

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